Friday 4 November 2016

Negative impacts in IT on communication

There are many negative effects that outweigh the positive effects which include health effects, language skills, social networking. The main contention is that cutting edge correspondence advances, for example, mobile phones can have negative impacts of the human body and psyche. The second contention is that the English dialect has quickly declined since the formation of the new correspondence advancements. The third contention is that the cutting edge correspondence has turned out to be to a great degree simple to utilize and to a great degree quick which has made these new method for correspondence addictive.

Mobile phones are getting to be a standout amongst the most exploited gadgets for present day correspondence as a result of their accessibility and comfort. Mobile phones are a stunning innovation which permits us to speak with each other with the press of the catch anyplace on the planet however, they have a considerable measure of obscure symptoms on human wellbeing. PDAs have a wide range of negative impacts on the human body like the likelihood of getting cerebrum tumor from the low recurrence radiation that mobile phones discharge, dependence on the utilization of PDAs, have expanded strain and weariness, which demonstrates that PDAs are a possible hazard to our wellbeing and like numerous different types of correspondence ought to be utilized as a part of balance.

Nowadays, Communication has advancements and combined themselves into regular daily life in view of the way individuals has changed completely in the late years. Rather than calling individuals to chat with our voices, current correspondence has changed the way we talk by writing our messages into these new innovations. These new technologies are not helping our language skills. This is because when a child or teenager goes to school and they have an English exam than they would not know what to do as they use slang when they are at home. This means that they will forget how they speak face to face.  As an expert in the advanced field, one of the crucial worries in society is that not a lot of people are using eye to eye communication and collaborating with others which shows disrespect. As this is a concern to people, many decide to disregard the useful parts of advancements to an individual. It is normal for someone to have dinner without making eye to eye contact and stay isolated from each other. One clear reason is that people realise that there has been changes in life which makes them wants to use gadgets more than listen to their family. Modern communication has caused so much problems in our society. This is because people don't go out anymore to communicate as mobile phones allows us to make calls and send messages without having to leave your house therefore, people are getting more lazy. One story I have seen was that a woman was using her mobile phone and someone hacked into it which allowed the hacker to see her personal information. When people meet there is always a possibility that something could happen to them. This is because you might know the person but they might actually be bad. In addition to this, if you are with a friend and you go somewhere with them like a club or something there is a possibility you could be abducted. When people are messaging on social networks they have to watch out as there might be dangerous people online. This means that they can track your location where you could be in trouble. In addition to this, some people could fall out with their friend or partner if they do something wrong.  Informal organizations, for example, Twitter, were made for the sole motivation behind helping people to There are different reasons where these advancements have been broken however; correspondence is the main reason which is the problem. Many people manage to get inside systems with friends in different urban communities and different nations. There are several situations that don’t permit the use of phones. This is the actual reason why interpersonal communication is good for people. I also know that some people may not do eye to eye communication but know about each other’s day and lives. Nowadays, people diverse different types of correspondence which is accessible and open for everyone. Sometimes these things can lasts between 5 to 6 hours with individuals who are near us. Husbands, wives, boyfriends and girlfriends sometimes go whole days without making a telephone call or messaging them.

In Conclusion Modern Communication's negative effects on society appear to be a great deal more essential than its positives. Present day correspondence has substantially more important hostile effects on the grounds that there are possible wellbeing dangers when utilizing the innovation required for cutting edge correspondence which could make disease lots of individuals.

Friday 21 October 2016


Communication – How it’s helped but especially the many negative ways it has affected social communication.

One of the largest negative effects of ICT can be the loss of a person’s job. This has both economic consequences, loss of income, and social consequences, loss of status and self esteem. Job losses may occur for several reasons, including: Manual operations being replaced by automation. For example, robots replacing people on an assembly line. In addition to this, data processing work being sent to other countries where operating costs are lower. Multiple workers being replaced by a smaller number who are able to do the same amount of work. For example, A worker on a supermarket checkout can serve more customers per hour if a bar-code scanner linked to a computerized till is used to detect goods instead of the worker having to enter the item and price manually.


Using computers safely

Using computer safely

People should use their computer/laptop safely. This is because if they use if safely than they will not get any viruses which will not block the person from using any websites. In addition to this, as the person is using websites they will have to make sure that when they go into it, they should look at what type of website it is. This is because if the website is not trustworthy than someone could hack into your computer. Furthermore, you should make sure that when you’re using a computer safely you shouldn’t get stressed and have muscular problems as it can cause people to have injuries which would hurt them. Another point is that you could have visual problems which include eyestrain. This is a common effect when people are working with computers. One more point is that computers are often controlled of situations that are potentially hazardous to people. If the air traffic controls systems fail then it could lead to extensive loss of life.

Effect on society

Effect of ICT on society (young people, old people, disabled)

The effect of ict on society has improved increasingly. This is because nowadays computers and internet access have transformed the way many people work. Some ways include stuff like businesses that rarely produce written letters or reports or use typewriters any more. In addition to this, Documents are more likely to be sent by email than by post or fax. Furthermore, Employees with laptops or smartphones can work from home or while they travel.

The digital divide

Digital divide is a term that refers to the gap between regions that have access to modern information and communications technology. In addition to this, the digital divide exists between two rural cities where they see the educated people and the undereducated. Furthermore, because of the digital divide it shows the countries that have poor access to the internet and the countries which have good internet connection.

Effects on Environment

There are negatives in ict which include stuff like jobs etc. In addition to this, nowadays jobs are created but it is uncertain whether ICT has created or reduced opportunities in the long term. Furthermore, advanced technology has had a massive impact on the entertainment industry. Moreover, global warming and climate change are growing issues of concern for businesses, governments and individuals which would affect ict. 

Effects on health care and education

Inequality to access of health care

There is growing agreement that the impact of information and communications technologies (ICTs) on health systems could be substantial or even revolutionary.  Though the precise nature of the impact is much more difficult to predict, it seems that the health sector will benefit from advances in mobile telephony and internet services. In addition to this, some patients may not be able to access the use of SMS or a mobile phone.

Effects on education

ICT has had a huge affect positively upon the way in which education has evolved and become far easier for the world to access. Over the years, there has been a vast amount of software which has made it possible for people to access information which aids learning, as well as available software which one can pay for there is also free information relating to various forms of education this can be found within the internet.

Computing crime

Give examples of how computers are mis used to do crimes:

Cyber bullying
Cyberbullying is bullying that takes place using electronic technology. Electronic technology includes devices and equipment such as cell phones, computers, and tablets as well as communication tools including social media sites, text messages, chat, and websites.

Safety on the internet
There are number of things which people should be aware of. These things include stuff like people gaining access to your online activity if you are using an unsecured or illicit wireless network. In addition to this, theft of personal information from, or access to browsing history on public computers.

Spam is an irrelevant or unsolicited messages sent over the Internet, typically to large numbers of users, for the purposes of advertising, phishing, spreading malware, etc. in addition to this, it is an   e-mail that is sent to large numbers of people and that consists mostly of advertising. To give you an idea of the problem, it is estimated that around 80 to 90 per cent of all emails on the internet is spam.

The fraudulent practice of sending emails purporting to be from reputable companies in order to induce individuals to reveal personal information, such as passwords and credit card numbers, online. In addition to this, they set up a fake website which looks identical to a legitimate company such as a bank or insurance company.

Denial of service
A server responds to external requests from its network. For example a web server responds to a browser calling for a web page to be delivered from its hard drive. Moreover, each request takes a short time and some CPU resources on the server. Furthermore, it uses up all the resources which denies normal service for legitimate users.

Effects on the law


Copyright is important to creators like writers and artists as well as those such as publishers that own rights, as it provides them with a legal right of ownership of the work that they produce. In addition to this, copyright is important because if you try to send of something like a piece of evidence to a friend and someone tries to copyright it, then the person can retreat it back which means that they can gain it back. The law gives the creators the right to control the ways in which their material may be used.

How do people use ict to copy things illegally?

People use ict to copy things illegally because people find that copying illegally can be a profitable business which has caught people from the organized crime groups. In addition to this, at this point in life, 36% of the Business Software Alliance has been stolen. Another point is that people copy music files. This is because if you are caught doing this there would be a civil or criminal penalty.

Data protection

Data protection allows businesses and companies to store information about certain customers. In addition to this, they also store information their clients and staff. The information they store are personal details such as where they live, what's their mobile number which is covered by the Data Protection Act. This means that if they want to get personal information for certain so it would be easy to retrieve it. There are eight principles which include that information has to be processed fairly and lawfully, must be obtained for specified and lawful purposes and not to be kept longer than necessary.

Why do they have to have this law with computers – what problems does computers cause with personal data 

There are laws in computers because if someone has a computer they might use it in an unlawfully. For example, allowing someone to illegally share your personal data which is not good because if someone goes on their laptop and takes their personal data than the hacker would be able to see who the person is. Another point is extorting information or blackmailing someone. This is bad because if you blackmail someone and they cannot tell if the person is being serious and they give something private than they would get could out and the person would be able to see the private information which was sent.    

How can computers cause problems with privacy?

Computers can cause lots of problems with privacy. This is because it can cause damage to computer hardware which would mean that the person would have to buy a new laptop or computer. Furthermore, if someone has private information on their device and it damages than they would lose all of the information and someone could be hacking into it.   

Computer misuse

Computer misuse are computer which store large quantities of information, combine information from many sources and retrieve information in new ways. It has three offences, unauthorised access which can hold a sentence of imprisonment for six months, unauthorised access with intent to commit of facilitate commission of further offences which holds sentences of up to five years along with, unauthorised modification. In addition to this, if there is someone hacking then they will also have a £2000 fine.