Friday 21 October 2016

Effect on society

Effect of ICT on society (young people, old people, disabled)

The effect of ict on society has improved increasingly. This is because nowadays computers and internet access have transformed the way many people work. Some ways include stuff like businesses that rarely produce written letters or reports or use typewriters any more. In addition to this, Documents are more likely to be sent by email than by post or fax. Furthermore, Employees with laptops or smartphones can work from home or while they travel.

The digital divide

Digital divide is a term that refers to the gap between regions that have access to modern information and communications technology. In addition to this, the digital divide exists between two rural cities where they see the educated people and the undereducated. Furthermore, because of the digital divide it shows the countries that have poor access to the internet and the countries which have good internet connection.

Effects on Environment

There are negatives in ict which include stuff like jobs etc. In addition to this, nowadays jobs are created but it is uncertain whether ICT has created or reduced opportunities in the long term. Furthermore, advanced technology has had a massive impact on the entertainment industry. Moreover, global warming and climate change are growing issues of concern for businesses, governments and individuals which would affect ict. 

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