Friday 21 October 2016

Positive Effects

Positive affects

There are positives and negatives in the IT industry with social impact. Some positives are the use of email and instant messenger to interact with colleagues and clients. This helps people because if there was no use of emails than people will find it hard to communicate with their friends and family. Another positive is that you can access a host of information online to help with research-related tasks. This will help because if people have homework or tasks to complete the information online can help them. In addition to this, ICT has created many jobs for people to apply for, ICT skills are now required for almost every job and with internet access wildly available, people are able to communicate and work away from an office which has made working from home a more popular choice. Additionally, it affects our lifestyle with modern gadgets and it also requires fewer papers which save the trees. ICT can be used to save time money and energy in a lot of situations in our local communities such as in businesses when calculating bills and working out accounts. Our communities can be kept safer by equipment such as CCTV that can be used to watch over things when we are not around to be used as a deterrent to crime making our communities safer and more enjoyable. Furthermore, research & revision can -be done on the Internet, as well as using CD-ROMs and other programs (e.g. Encarta). This makes learning more interactive, with animation, video, quizzes and sound which make it easier and more enjoyable.  ICT can be used for processes that had previously been out of the reach of most individuals, e.g. photography, where digital cameras, photo-editing software and high quality printers have enabled people to produce results that would previously require a photographic studio.ICT can be used to help people overcome disabilities. e.g. screen magnification or screen reading software enables partially sighted or blind people to work with ordinary text rather than Braille.Using the Internet is cost-effective than the other modes of communication such as telephone, mailing or courier service. It allows people to have access to large amounts of data at a very low cost. With the Internet we do not have to pay for any basic services provided by the Internet. Furthermore, the cost of connection to the Internet is relatively cheap. In addition to this, the internet is a faster speed compared to the internet before because when it was before people used to find the internet hard to get on so people just used to talk face to face instead but in recent years the world has gone into a bigger and better place.

  • Access to information: Possibly the greatest effect of ICT on individuals is the huge increase in access to information and services that has accompanied the growth of the Internet. Some of the positive aspects of this increased access are better, and often cheaper, communications, such as VoIP phone and Instant Messaging. In addition, the use of ICT to access information has brought new opportunities for leisure and entertainment, the facility to make contacts and form relationships with people around the world, and the ability to obtain goods and services from a wider range of suppliers.
  • Improved access to education, e.g. distance learning and on-line tutorials. New ways of learning, e.g. interactive multi-media and virtual reality. New job opportunities, such as flexible and mobile working, virtual offices and jobs in the communications industry.

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