Friday 21 October 2016

Effects on the law


Copyright is important to creators like writers and artists as well as those such as publishers that own rights, as it provides them with a legal right of ownership of the work that they produce. In addition to this, copyright is important because if you try to send of something like a piece of evidence to a friend and someone tries to copyright it, then the person can retreat it back which means that they can gain it back. The law gives the creators the right to control the ways in which their material may be used.

How do people use ict to copy things illegally?

People use ict to copy things illegally because people find that copying illegally can be a profitable business which has caught people from the organized crime groups. In addition to this, at this point in life, 36% of the Business Software Alliance has been stolen. Another point is that people copy music files. This is because if you are caught doing this there would be a civil or criminal penalty.

Data protection

Data protection allows businesses and companies to store information about certain customers. In addition to this, they also store information their clients and staff. The information they store are personal details such as where they live, what's their mobile number which is covered by the Data Protection Act. This means that if they want to get personal information for certain so it would be easy to retrieve it. There are eight principles which include that information has to be processed fairly and lawfully, must be obtained for specified and lawful purposes and not to be kept longer than necessary.

Why do they have to have this law with computers – what problems does computers cause with personal data 

There are laws in computers because if someone has a computer they might use it in an unlawfully. For example, allowing someone to illegally share your personal data which is not good because if someone goes on their laptop and takes their personal data than the hacker would be able to see who the person is. Another point is extorting information or blackmailing someone. This is bad because if you blackmail someone and they cannot tell if the person is being serious and they give something private than they would get could out and the person would be able to see the private information which was sent.    

How can computers cause problems with privacy?

Computers can cause lots of problems with privacy. This is because it can cause damage to computer hardware which would mean that the person would have to buy a new laptop or computer. Furthermore, if someone has private information on their device and it damages than they would lose all of the information and someone could be hacking into it.   

Computer misuse

Computer misuse are computer which store large quantities of information, combine information from many sources and retrieve information in new ways. It has three offences, unauthorised access which can hold a sentence of imprisonment for six months, unauthorised access with intent to commit of facilitate commission of further offences which holds sentences of up to five years along with, unauthorised modification. In addition to this, if there is someone hacking then they will also have a £2000 fine.

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